What To Expect During Your Oral Appliance Therapy Consultation

Oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea begins with an initial consultation. You might wonder what to expect during your first visit if you or a loved one has been referred for this treatment. Don’t fret! This consultation is simple and informative and sets the foundation for your journey to better sleep. Here’s a quick guide […]

How Sleep Apnea Affects Your Mental Health

A good night’s sleep is crucial for feeling our best. However, untreated sleep disorders like sleep apnea can significantly impact your mental health. While often perceived as a breathing issue, sleep apnea’s effects extend far beyond snoring. Not getting enough sleep because of sleep apnea can start a series of events that affect your mental […]

Age-Related Changes That Can Contribute to Sleep Apnea

A woman covering her ears while his husband is snoring

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can affect our overall health, including our sleep patterns. One of the more concerning age-related issues is sleep apnea, a condition interrupting our sleep, leading to poor sleep quality and overall health. Here’s a simple guide to understanding age-related sleep problems and practical tips for managing […]

Potential Health Consequences of Untreated Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that goes beyond merely snoring or experiencing fatigue. It’s a severe condition that disrupts breathing during sleep, often making you feel tired during the day. Usually, the implications of untreated sleep apnea go beyond sleepiness and can impact various aspects of health. Here are some potential health consequences: The Heart’s […]